Hello Contestants! The new Blindfire update, Race to Kill, will be released today in most regions at around midnight UTC. We’re posting the patch notes ahead of time so you can get a look at what’s coming with this update!



  • The PS5 edition of the game will be launched with the update! Don’t forget to welcome our new contestants.

  • Two new Match Types have been added: Killrace and Team Killrace!

    • Kill as many players as quickly as you can - the first to reach 20(solo) or 30(team) wins!

    • Players are able to respawn quickly using new respawn pods littered around the new maps. Just select them as you would any trap, and after a few seconds you’ll be jumping back into the action!

      • There is a small period of invulnerability after respawning. This will be indicated on your weapon HUD. While you are invulnerable, you also can't shoot.

      • After 20 seconds in spectator mode, you will respawn automatically at a random pod.

    • There are still the usual traps around the map too - use them to get revenge on someone else, or help your team, before jumping in a respawn pod.

  • To facilitate the higher speed action, two new maps have been added - Twilight Divide and Umbral Rift! Both maps are around twice the size of our original set.

    • For now, these maps will only appear on the Killrace game mode.

  • Variant weapons for the Pistol and Abolition Shotgun have been added - the Scarab and Impunity!

    • The Scarab is an automatic pistol that trades a little damage per hit for a lot of coverage!

    • The Impunity is a burst-fire shotgun that fires two shells in quick succession per trigger pull. It's got a lot of kick, but if you can control it, you will have an incredible amount of damage and space control!

    • Both new weapons will appear in the same way the original two weapons do - they now form a pool that each game round will pull from at random.

  • A first iteration of Leaderboards has been implemented! For now, this shows The Elite 10; the 10 highest scoring players in terms of total wins, kills and points earned across all game modes. Can you make it to the top?!



  • There should be another general performance increase, particularly for PC variants. We will continue to work on this as time goes on!

  • This should also help console variants more consistently reach and stay at their FPS cap too!

  • Continued improvements on the settings menu in terms of responsiveness and correctness.

  • Your locker skin setup is once again properly remembered between instances of the game.

  • You should now enter gameplay with the correct weapon skin as selected in the locker.

  • The uncooperative UV light on Shadowpoint Cross should now be working correctly, after swapping light bulbs.



  • On console versions, the timer to let you know how long you have until automatically respawning in Killrace is hidden unintentionally.

  • Some strings are still missing from the Chinese (Simplified) translation, though only a few remain.

  • If you are in the settings menu as a spectator when the round ends, the menu will reopen once the new round begins.

  • If you start firing directly after sprinting, the animation will look like you are firing upwards (although any bullets will be fired in the correct direction)

  • Both the player and their drone can fail to move immediately if you were holding forward before gaining control.

  • Triggering a trap will also cause you to be unable to select respawn pods for the duration of the cooldown. This is unintentional - you should be able to select respawn pods regardless of your trap status.

    • You will still auto-respawn after 20 seconds, even if you can't select the respawn pods due to a trap cooldown.

  • The announcer can be a little… overzealous at times.

    • He will sometimes announce a draw even when there is a clear winner.

    • He will sometimes announce First Blood when that isn't the case.

  • After you respawn, you will sometimes spawn with the incorrect weapon skin.

  • On consoles, if you repeatedly move between Quality and Performance modes, you may lose VFX (for example, muzzle flashes or explosions from barrels). 

    • This can be resolved by restarting the game.

  • On consoles, a rare soft lock can occur if the game tries to auto-respawn 2 different players on the same respawn point at the same time, or if a player selects a respawn pod on the same frame where an auto-respawn occurs on that pod

  • The leaderboards sometimes fail to attribute the results of Kill Race matches to the relevant player.


Race to Kill
