Hey everyone! We’re so excited to soon roll out our first update. We’ve focused on your feedback to make sure we addressed most of the issues that you are experiencing. Our biggest win for this update is resolving the matchmaking hiccups! We'll be keeping an eye on things to catch any new issues with matchmaking if they persist, or arise. If you run into anything weird, just let us know on Discord or on Twitter. Now, let’s dive into the patch notes!


Fixes and changes

  • Players should find themselves a little less likely to end up in a 1v1 match.

  • The loading screen should now let you know how many players are in the lobby, how many players you are waiting for to connect, and how long until their request to join the game times out. 

    • This also replaces the “Waiting for Server” screen.

  • Drones can now travel just a little less far out towards the windows, hopefully stopping them from getting completely stuck.

  • The shotgun animation should no longer loop infinitely

  • The shotgun no longer continues to reload if you break the animation to fire again.

  • There is no longer a very very small chance of everyone falling through the floor at the start of the match.

  • Players should no longer have a small chance to start the match without a gun.

  • Most settings and Keybindings should now save between instances of the game. Quality Preset still sometimes misbehaves!

  • There should be less clutter around the Winners Showcase (although the mystery shotgun may have eluded our grasp)

  • The game should no longer freeze where internet connection was lost during matchmaking

  • You should no longer be able to report yourself (sorry!)

  • The Pistol should no longer clip through the player's leg while looking at gun skins in the Locker.

  • Character models should no longer briefly T-pose while opening the locker or starting a Squad.

  • Music should once again be audible after returning to the lobby after completing a match.

  • The player's model should no longer sometimes jitter in the main menu.


Known Issues

The end of round replay can show shots passing through objects and walls - this is purely as a result of latency when attempting to recreate the shot. The actual gameplay shot did hit legitimately!

  • Round winner names are sometimes not shown correctly

  • Some strings are still missing from the Chinese (Simplified) translation.

  • A UV light on Shadowpoint Cross fails to illuminate the skins of players caught under it.

  • It is still possible to end up in an uneven Team Bodycount match, where the only eligible players are in squads that can't create even sided groups.

    • For example, if a squad of 3 and a squad of 2 are the only players available and they become matched, it won't split up the squad of 3, and will instead give you an uneven 3v2 match.

  • The skin you choose for your weapon isn't being used in matches. The skin for the rest of your body type is unaffected.

  • If you are in the settings menu as a spectator when the round ends, the menu will reopen once the new round begins.

  • Some settings dont have descriptions yet.

  • The Overseer light hack completion bar doesn't match how long it takes to cool down.

  • If you start firing directly after sprinting, the animation will look like you are firing upwards (although any bullets will be fired in the correct direction)

  • Both the player and their drone can fail to move immediately if you were holding forward before gaining control.

The update should go live later today or earier tomorrow. It will depend on the submission times. Thank you for understanding.




Releasing Blindfire into the world!