Hello, Contestants! Hotfix patch 7 is now live and ready for download on all platforms. Dive into the patch notes to stay up to date!
We have enabled Custom Games for single players. This should allow you to generate games of your choice with bots if you just want to get into some action!
The only mode you can't Custom Game alone is Spotlight, as that currently requires a human player on each side to pick up BORB.EE.
We have enabled the matchmaking server to match you with bots if no one else is available in the queue.
The matchmaking server will, of course, always prefer to match players together before starting a bot game.
Currently the server will revert to creating a bot game after 4 minutes. We may revise this down in future updates. (give us some feedback and let us know if this should be adjusted)
The bots have overcome their fear of Nightvoid Gap, and are willing to explore it once more.
Resolved a controller navigation issue in the squad lobby, while playing as a host during matchmaking, that prevented the user from accessing the Locker.
Resolved a minor graphical issue in the mode select screen.
Resolved an issue where the options menu would occasionally give options for something it shouldn’t! (stay tuned)
Enabled some changes that should significantly improve performance at low graphical settings.