Hello, Contestants! A brand-new content update has just hit the arena, packed with thrilling additions! Get ready to explore an exciting new game mode, our new voice chat system, and a shiny new progression system full of cosmetic rewards. Let’s jump into the patch notes and see what’s new!



  • A new game mode - Touchdown - has been implemented!

    • Compete for control of our new, most dangerous companion, BOMB.BO, and deliver them to the goal to score points in an explosive fashion!

    • Alternatively, throw it at the goal! A thrown goal will still score points, albeit less than if you deliver it by hand.

    • Use the Goalkeeper spectator interaction to protect your goal even in death, preventing players from reaching it, while delivering a nasty shock.

      • Shocked players are slowed, can't shoot, and will drop the BOMB.BO if they were holding it.

    • Lastly, no one likes a ball hog. Don't let BOMB.BO count down to zero, or there will be consequences!

    • For now, bots will function in this mode the same as with Spotlight. Bots will attempt to attack or defend the orb holder, but will not carry the orb themselves.

      • You need at least 2 human players to begin a Touchdown match, one per team.

  • Voice Chat has been implemented!

    • Players will be able to chat with anyone in the squad lobby if you are joining together ahead of gameplay.

    • In game, who you can chat to depends on the situation…

      • While alive, you can talk to your team directly with V, or by selecting the Team channel using Dpad down on a controller.

      • You can also talk in proximity chat to those physically around you, using Alt or selecting the Proximity channel using Dpad down on a controller.

      • Involved in a takedown? Killer and victim have a few seconds of direct open mic chat immediately after the takedown occurs.

      • During spectator mode, you can talk freely with all other spectators, regardless of team.

      • During all other gameplay elements (Map showcase, end of round, winners showcase), voice chat is open to everyone!

  • Of course, you can mute yourself, individuals and even everyone in the match easily if you want to opt out of the feature.

  • Unfortunately, we have faced a critical issue with this feature specific to the Microsoft Store version. As a result, the feature is disabled temporarily on that platform while we resolve the issue - it will be added as soon as we possibly can.

  • The XP and Progression system has been implemented!

    • Completing games earns you experience towards your Player Profile Rank, and at specific levels you can unlock new goodies!

      • Winning, scoring takedowns, scoring multi-kills, everything you do will add small amounts of experience to your total at the end of the match.

      • The only situation in which you don't get experience, is if you leave a match before the match completes. So stay in the game, and fight to the bitter end!

    • We have included several new cosmetic skin sets, weapon skins and masks, as well as new skin tones, and even newer Tracer and Charm cosmetic types.

    • There might be something special at the end for those who make it all the way! 😉

  • The Armoury has been added!

    • This is a new menu that lives inside the squad lobby, next to the Locker.

    • It contains everything regarding weapon customisation, including the new Tracer and Charm cosmetics.

      • Charms are attached to your weapon and add a little personal flair!

      • Tracers affect the colour of your gunfire!

    • The arrival of the armoury also spells a change in how we handle which weapons you use in a match.

      • We now have a loadout system! Each round will designate the weapon type to be used, but the specific variant you equip is based on your selection in the armoury menu.

        • This means you can now go head-to-head with a Scarab user whilst wielding your trusty Mantis.

    • Please note that weapon skins have been moved from the Locker to the Armoury!

    • We intend to add more options to this menu… soon.




  • We have implemented a new system for queuing into gameplay.

    • Quickplay and Custom remain the same.

    • Instead of Solo and Squad, we now have The Crucible and War Games.

    • The Crucible restricts your search to Bodycount and Team Bodycount only.

    • War Games includes all match types apart from Bodycount and Team Bodycount.

  • New controller options have been added! 

    • In particular, much requested input acceleration and deadzone manipulation options should now be present and functional.

  • A new Announcer and ABI assistant voice over has been added!

  • A new post-match screen has been added where you can see your performance in the prior game. 

  • The options available in Custom Matches have been expanded!

    • Expect to see more options appearing in later updates, too.


  • Slow Reload should no longer become disabled over time.

  • Name plates should appear as normal again, although they are now positional, and will hide where players are obstructed.

  • Losing internet connection should once again return you to the title screen.

Known Issues

  • If you start firing directly after sprinting, the animation will look like you are firing upwards (although any bullets will be fired in the correct direction)

  • The button prompt for quick respawn may not update in game if you change it from its default

  • On Abyssal Ascent, bots spawning on a specific spawn point may become unable to move from the point.

  • When killed by bots, the game will occasionally tell you you were killed by KillerName, instead of the name of the bot that killed you.

  • Very rarely, after picking up the BOMB.BO you will be unable to throw it correctly.
